Tuesday, May 28, 2013

I Don’t Do Angst In The Summertime

Thank goodness I finished the first draft of my next book before the real warm weather hit. It’s angst-ridden and moody. I just can’t pull those off the same way when it’s a beautiful, sunny, eighty-degree day outside. And I don’t want to. I want to plant flowers in my backyard. I want to go for a run. I want to plan a beach day. I want to take my daughter to the park. I don’t want to guess the motives of the nefarious characters surrounding me. I don’t want to suffer the trials and tribulations of first love. I don’t want to deal with the ink covered lead singer of the local garage band who won’t stop hitting on me. Yeah, not me, but the main character. Her life is one upheaval after another. Her life is “the winter of our discontent.” While mine is “made glorious summer by this sun of York.”
Yes, I’m distorting Richard III for my own purposes. If you couldn’t tell from my first book, I like the anti-hero.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sometime Soon - Some Backstory

Sometime Soon has been out for almost a week now, and people are slowly starting to find it. This book was a detour on the road to my first YA paranormal series. If all goes well, book one is due out in the fall. In the midst of all the plotting and character development for what is turning out to be a really fun paranormal story to write, Sometime Soon raised its hand and asked to be noticed again.
I wrote the first draft over five years ago. For some reason, I found myself returning to it this past winter. It was such a light, fun story to revisit, full of anecdotes from my real life. So, I decided to polish it up and release it. I haven’t done a major release blitz for this one. I’ve got some low-budget advertising coming in a couple of weeks, and I sent it to a few bloggers and fans of the first book. So far, they have been very kind in their reviews.
Sometime Soon isn’t going to change the world, but I hope it’s entertaining. It’s the kind of story I like to read when the stress and anxiety of my everyday life is more than enough, and I don’t want my fiction twisting me up in knots. There are no cliffhangers here folks!
Here are the reviews Sometime Soon has received so far:

Friday, May 3, 2013

It's live! It's early! But the freak-out is right on time.

Sometime Soon is available. Since I finished the formatting earlier than expected, I went ahead and released it. If you’d like to read it, you should be able to find it online everywhere and in every format.
Lindsay at Cover Lure did my terrific cover, and she kindly invited me to guest post on her Web site. Check it out. http://www.coverlure.com/